
Thu, 10/05/2023

Where to find free sex positivity, sex education, protection and period products at KU

A sex education crash course focusing on relationships will be available to students at the University of Kansas on Oct. 10. ...

Mon, 09/25/2023

SGD joins HERO to provide three Tuesdays worth of inclusive sex education

The Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity (SGD) is joining the Health Education Resource Office (HERO) to host a sex education crash course. Taking place on the 4th floor of the Kansas Union in the 435 Suite, the sessions will provide a series of all-inclusive courses including “Sexuality & You”...

Tue, 04/25/2023

Panhellenic council introducing Narcan training, KU sororities included

The Panhellenic council will introduce Narcan training for sororities campus-wide in the upcoming months. ...

Thu, 09/01/2022

Fall series will expand dialogue on reproductive justice

LAWRENCE — Since the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson on June 24, discussions around the globe have targeted the unknown future of reproductive rights in the United States. Through a series of discussions, each featuring a panel of speakers from diverse fields, University of Kansas...

Thu, 04/07/2022

Gaypril events to celebrate queer and trans students at KU

A Sex Positivity Art Show opens at 9 a.m. on Monday, April 18, at the Kansas Union Gallery and will be available to view through the end of April. This event is in partnership with the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the Health Education Resource Office and the Sexual Assault Prevention...

Thu, 10/21/2021

This KU initiative prevents unexpected periods -- period.

There are currently 50 restrooms across 21 buildings on campus providing free menstrual products. ...